Friday, September 18, 2020

Aspie Physiognomy

I have come cross several Aspie morphs, this is my analysis of them.

Aspie Features [1]

Dark hair
Strong Supraorbital ridges
Large, deep set eyes
Wide set eyes
Short nose
Broad forehead
Smaller distance between the philtrum and glabella

This morph is split into two subgroups, which I will call Type A (subgroup 1) and Type B (subgroup 2)

Type A


Elven appearance
Commonly blonde
Rounded forehead
Negatively tilted eyebrows
Emotionless, dark eyes, 
Long mid-face
Drooping cheeks
Small chin and jaw
Pale skin

Type B



Flattened forehead
Positively tilted eyebrows
Strong supraorbital ridges
Wide set eyes
Usually coloured eyes, which are emotive
fleshy nose tip with a weaker bridge
Square face
Stronger jaw

Another Study [2] has identified three sub groups of Aspies which I call type A1, B1, and B2.

The study which produced these morphs had a larger sample size, so I think that these three types represent more specific variations of the first two types.

I used the type A and B examples to introduce those types, but all type A's and B's fit into either B2 and A1, or B1 and B2 respectively. Think of the pure A and B types as ancestors to the three types above, with type B2 being derived from either A or B rather than a mixture of both.

Type A1


Flat and forward projected brow ridge
Large eye sockets
Receded cheek bones
Long mid-face
Long nose
Drooping cheeks
Small chin and jaw
Often Blonde

Famous Examples

Augustus (INTJ)

Isaac Newton (INTJ)

Immanuel Kant (INTP)

Henry Cavendish (INTP)

Type B1


Round face with chubby features
Large eyes
Rounded eye sockets
Short Nose

Famous Examples

Michelangelo (ISFP)

Beethoven (INTJ)

Arthur Schopenhauer (INFJ)

Charles Darwin (INTP)

Friedrich Neitzche (INTJ)

Vincent Van Gogh (INFP)

Type B2


Sometimes has a smaller, sloping forehead 
Rectangular eye sockets
Yin Sanpaku eyes
Stronger cheekbones

Famous Examples

Antinous (INFJ)

Johann Sebastian Bach (INTJ)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (ISFP)

Napoleon Bonaparte (ENTJ)

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ENTJ)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 



Friday, June 26, 2020

The Four Sides of the Mind Influence Appearance.

A video describing the four sides of the mind can be found here.

The variation in appearance within MBTI types can be explained by:

1: Genetic differences
2: Epigenetic/Environmental differences 
3: Influences from the other three sides of the mind



These are my four ESFJ examples, you should be able to see that the left and right column each have distinct features. The left is what I have identified as pure ESFJ and the right are ISFP influenced ESFJ's. In these two examples you can see the innocent and unassuming Fi Hero gaze, and the rounder and fatter features that are typical of ISFP's. Only slight differences in the structure of the face show ESFJ influence, so unless you know how identify the interplay between the sides of the mind, then you should assume you are seeing a representation of the Ego, to avoid mistyping.

When one of the three sides of the mind influences the face it always represents a natural development of that type; specifically the Hero function of that type. The ESFJ's shown on the left would be expected to be more classically Fe, and the ESFJ's on the right to have more effective use of Fi from their ISFP Unconcious. ISFP influenced ESFJ's also have lower Pre-NT.


In these four examples you can see that there is one outlier. It is Edward VIII at the bottom left who has ISFP and therefore Fi influence. The other three are ESFJ (Fe) influenced INTP's which is quite a typical influence for INTP's who have become famous through a career.

Friedrich Schiller 
ENTJ (Te) influenced INTP

Arran Lomas
INTP (Ti) influenced ISFP

Henry Ford and Bernard Montgomery 
INFP (Fi) influenced ESTJ's 

Bjorn Andreas Bull Hansen
ESFJ (Fe) influenced ISFP

John Lennon 
ISTP (Ti) and ESTJ (Te) influenced INFP

Thomas Edison
INTJ (Ni) influenced ENTP

Quentin Tarantino
ESFP (Se) influenced ENTP

Bertrand Russel
 ISFJ (Si) influenced ENTP

Before I knew about the four sides of the mind I incorrectly typed Russel as an ISTJ, but his eyes and philosophy are typically ENTP. His ISFJ Subconscious, is why he acts like a typical wise old man.